It's quite fitting that in adding the walks of the last few weeks to my total, I've finally crossed the border into Scotland. I've just co-founded a new business (the Makarelle online magazine) based in Scotland and am gradually starting to overcome the barriers to being able to walk freely again everyday. I've spent this week catching up on all the work I should have done over the last two months and easing the 5yo back into the routine of going to school, so from Monday, it's back to healthy eating and walking as far as I'm able to by increasing the school run and daily dog walk. I've even managed to make a start on the next book.
Of course and perhaps inevitably, this isn't the book I'd intended to write while I was doing this walk and blog series. That one will get written eventually, but I've been so distracted with other things like the magazine and lockdown and home schooling, that it's fallen by the wayside, to languish - for now at least - amongst the millions of other books crying out to be written by authors who are busy with other things.
My recent blog on Imposter Syndrome appeared to strike a chord with many other people and this is only one of the many barriers we have to overcome. For the next few months, my biggest barrier will be trying to juggle sorting out my mental wellbeing and physical health (nothing serious - just need to lose the weight and regain the fitness) with getting Makarelle ready for publication, editing two books and writing a third. It's a lot to think about all at once, but I know I can do it if I organise my day into sections and stick to my schedule... and if I end up having to spend some time in the evenings, then hey - at least it means I'm not eating and that can only be a good thing! :-)
Now that I'm a 'person of significant control' - at least according to Companies House - it's about time I demonstrated it and kicked my butt into gear to finish this challenge!
Less than 350 miles to go now.
