Welcome to the Beach Reads Book Club…where love is just a page away…
When Lottie Watt is unceremoniously booted out of her uptight book club for not following the rules, she decides to throw the rulebook out the window and start her own club – one where conversation, gin and cake take precedent over actually having read the book!
The Beach Reads Book Club soon finds a home for its meetings at Books by the Bay, a charming bookshop and café owned by gorgeous, brooding Matthew Steele, and as the book club picks heat up, so too does the attraction between Matt and Lottie.
If there’s anything Lottie has learned from the romances she’s been reading, it’s that the greatest loves are the ones hardest earned.
A love letter to chicklit, romance, romcoms, whatever you want to call them!
Purchase Links
US AMAZON https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0931Y5W12

As well as being a story about a traditional romance, this book is a love story to book clubs and this played a large part in my enjoyment of it. It recognises the different requirements and expectations people have of groups like this and that it's possible to belong to more than one club and get different things from each one. I am lucky enough to belong to a group like Lottie's. It's as much about the booze and the friendship as it is about the actual books. I joined at a time when I was feeling quite vulnerable and was instantly made to feel welcome by the other members. More recently, through the various ups and downs of lockdowns, each and every member of that group has been there for me to rant to, cry to and to boost my confidence. Needless to say, we all do that for each other and they are the most wonderful group of people and my life is so much better for having them in it.
Back to the book however! I love that it lists genuine books that the group read and I picked up other books to add to my TBR pile. It also made me reconsider my attitude towards romcoms. At one point, one character observes that people can be quite snobby about these kinds of books and I think to some extent, I've been guilty of that myself in the past. However, I've been reading a lot of 'worthy' books recently and I've discovered that they are nowhere near as much fun to read as romcoms are. Now however, instead of writing off an entire genre because I've had some bad experiences with books and authors who have irritated me, I realise that as with any other genre, there are some books and authors I enjoy and others I don't. I love books by Jenny Kane, Victoria Connelly and Nora Roberts and since beginning to review books for Rachel's Random Resources I've added Carol Thomas and Angela Britnell to the list of romcom authors I'd read again. In Kathryn Freeman I've found another one and I've already added more of her books to my TBR pile.
To put it simply, I adored this book and if you like a romcom with quirky characters who have depth and empathy, you will too!

A former pharmacist, I'm now a medical writer who also writes romance. Some days a racing heart is a medical condition, others it's the reaction to a sexy hero. With a husband who asks every Valentine's Day whether he has to buy a card (yes, he does), any romance is all in my head. Then again, his unstinting support of my career change proves love isn't always about hearts and flowers - and heroes come in many disguises.
Social Media Links –
Website: http://kathrynfreeman.co.uk
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kathrynfreeman
Twitter: https://twitter.com/KathrynFreeman1
Don't forget to check out the rest of Kathryn's blog tour in the places listed below!
