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30 Books in 30 Days - Day 17: A book with a person's name in the title (real or fictional)

Although I do genuinely love this series and all the other YA books by the same author, it's not really for me that I've included them in this challenge. Rather, it's included as representative of the books that have made my life as a parent so much easier.

When my eldest son was younger, he struggled with reading. Initially, it was Enid Blyton's Famous Five books that captured his interest, then he graduated onto Harry Potter, but then we found this series. Although he's read the Harry Potter series a few times, it is Rick Riordan's books that he returns to over and over again. He is going through a phase of reading only History books at the moment, but every now and again, I see him clutching a, now rather battered, copy of one of Riordan's books. It's usually a Percy book, but he's also a big fan of Magnus Chase.

For me, these books are wonderful, not just because they're a good read, not just because Riordan provides follow up 'work' which I used when Henry was at primary school to foster his interest in mythology, but also because of the vast range of characters he introduces. These books are not just about white, middle class children, with no 'issues'. The children have what are often regarded as learning difficulties, they are different races, they have different sexualities, they are gender fluid. It's a world that is inclusive for all.

You may have seen the films, but don't let them put you off the books! They weren't bad as standalone films, but they weren't Percy Jackson. With the recently announced Disney series (which was met by much excited squeaking in the Loten household) I am hopeful that Percy will finally get the adaptation he deserves - one that is faithful to the magic of the books. And who knows, if it is a success, we might even be lucky enough to get one for Magnus Chase and Kane.

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