I've finished Five Rivers Met On A Wooded Plain and I have to say that it was an ambitious first novel. It was really interesting to see how the five stories were woven together to create a single narrative, whilst retaining a very distinct sense of their own identity. Each 'narrator' had a very unique way of speaking which made it easy to sympathise with them, despite their many and varied faults. It has also given me an even greater understanding of Salisbury and it's now another place I would like to visit again.
However, this does mean it's time to choose my next book. I'm currently in Berkshire and heading towards Oxfordshire. However, although there is a multitude of books to choose from in these counties, I'm taking a slight diversion, partly because there is a specific story I want to listen to when I get closer to Nottingham and don't want to risk missing that one out! I am currently listening to two books about the Million Dollar American Princesses who came over to England in search of titles. There is a link to Oxfordshire though, as Blenheim Palace is in that county and Consuelo Vanderbilt (later Duchess of Marlborough) was one of those same young women. It's also a slight diversion in as much as it's research for the book I'm currently writing, as opposed to the one I planned to write whilst doing this walk!
The best laid plans and all that...