My writing goals for this year are plentiful, but very straightforward. I'm hoping that if I lay them out at the start of the year they will seem more manageable as I start working towards achieving them:
Publish 'Folly' (this will be out by February)
Publish a collection of short stories (hopefully also out by February)
Publish Blythewode (later in the year)
Write Book 2 of the Avonstow series
Begin Book 2 of The Courts series
Publish 2 more books for the Lido (subject to approval)
Launch a successful (and first ever) Brightlingsea Literary Festival
Begin writing workshops with primary school
Continue to develop Writer in Residence role
Taking my cue from my adapted resolution of last year, my reading goals this year are simply to reduce the length of my TBR list, specifically to read all the books I added in 2020 and 2021, as well as keeping up with the Book Group selections and review books for 2023. This equates to:
32 library books
11 books on my kindle
8 books on my shelf
21 books to buy
4 audiobooks
This should allow me plenty of time, not only to complete this challenge, but also to get all the writing done that I have planned for this year. Fingers crossed I stay healthy so I can get it all done!